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#19917 - Canberra's Wartime Connections

Resource ID
Newsletters ed.398, Apr. 2005
Canberra's Wartime Connections
Hall, Michael
Newsletter article
Queanbeyan; Newson, Tom; Gallipoli; Scannell, Michael; Morris, Ted; Monk, Wilfred; Mayo, Ernie; Mayo, John Charles; Bullecourt; Meech, Alf; Blundell; Lone Pine; Cunningham, Andrew; Cregan, Jack; Gullett, Jo; Crace, Everard; Sportmans Unit; Snowy River march - Monaro; Wedd, Captain F.; McMahon, Tim; Majura; Michelago; Webb, Jack; Weetangera; Robertson, Harry; Oaks Estate; Corey, Ernie; Cotter, Garrett; Cotter, Frank; Cotter, Michael; Naas
Canberra & District Historical Society
The article looks at the contributions of some of the men from the district who served in World War 1. A letter first published in the Queanbeyan Age describing the landing at Gallopoli is included as well as the fate of some of those men involved in the Gallipoli campaign. Recruitment vehicles such as the Sportmans Unit and the Snowy River route march are discussed as is the impact of the loss of a son on a farming family.
Not for loan. Copy available for purchase from the Society's office.