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#21557 - The Surveyor's Camps on Capital Hill (1909 - 1912) and the Buildings they left behind.

Resource ID
Journals No.63, Dec 2009
The Surveyor's Camps on Capital Hill (1909 - 1912) and the Buildings they left behind.
Gugler, Ann
Journal article
Acton; Camp Hill; Canberra House; Capital Hill Camp; Cotter River; Duntroon; Federal Camp; Federal Capital Territory - map; Gudgenby River; Gura Bung Dhaura Hills; Hillside Hostel; Kurrajong Hill; Labourers Camp No. 1 Westlake; Molonglo River; Queanbeyan River; Red Hill; Scrivener's Plan Room; Seat of Government Acceptance Act 1909; Seat of Government Surrender Act 1909; State Circle; Stirling Park; Surveyor's Camps; Westlake; Yass; Canberra; Felix J Broinowski; W G Chapman; Sam Clark; George Fuller; Ann Gugler; Hall; Jack Kirkwood; M Martin; David Miller; Moorehouse, L J; Morgan; E Murray; John Murray; Oakeshott; Percy Owen; Arthur Percival; Charles Robert Scrivener; P L Sheaffe; W L Vernon; Norman Whittenbury
Canberra Historical Journal NS No. 63 December 2009
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